Chapter 4 – A Journey To Port Town

The earth shifted beneath Alice’s foot. A crack stretched out from her toes, reaching for Trident. The woman’s eyes widened and she started to back away from it. The crack caught up in no time, a column of stone rising from beneath the ground as soon as the crack made contact with Trident’s boot. There was an ugly crack as it jutted into her chest, sending her to the ground with a cry of pain, dropping her weapon and clutching her abdomen.

Alice straightened up, her attention moving to Club. He stared blankly at his fallen ally, giving a shudder. His gaze shifted between Alice and Trident. He shook his head and dropped his weapon, hands now above his head.

“Don’t… don’t hurt me please… I won’t do anything…”

Alice grinned,
“Smart move.” she muttered to herself, before stepping towards mystery girl’s collapsed body. She got onto one knee, sliding her hands beneath the girl’s back and scooping her up bridal style. Mystery girl was light enough.

She glanced over her shoulder to make sure that she was not about to be attacked, but Club had already run off into the town. She shrugged and began towards the opposite side of town. This was a renowned port town, there had to be a harbour somewhere.


The harbour was not as lively as the town. People went about their daily business; moving crates from boats; trading at stalls; setting out to sea.
Alice strode along the jetty, mystery girl still in her arms. She surveyed the boats that had been docked, pursing her lips. She needed to be able to sail it by her self.
Her brow was furrowed as she scanned the boats on display. Window shopping always gave her such a headache.

After a time she came across a vessel small enough for her to handle, but sturdy enough to sail reliably in open waters. She hopped aboard, the deck’s wooden floor catching her as she landed. She set mystery girl down on the deck and gave the boat a once over. It had everything that she would need. Below deck were two hammocks, a cooker and a few barrels of food. A singular sturdy sail was the power behind the vessel.

‘She’ll do nicely.’

After moving mystery girl below deck to one of the hammocks, Alice untied the mooring line and brought it back on deck. After dropping sail she moved off. The wind was in her favour. She would arrive at Porte Town in no time.


The winds carried her North for several hours. When not adjusting the course or the sails, Alice sat on the boat’s side, legs dangling over the sea. It mimicked the sun’s gentle nature, small waves patting the side of the boat as she moved.

Alice was feeling confident that she would reach Porte Town by nightfall. The ideal location to find a crew. She was sure at least some of the alcoholics and hooligans would have something to offer.
She laughed to herself. Jack could not have just dropped her off there to start with, he had to make her put in some leg work first.

She was alerted by thuds coming from beneath the deck. She glanced down at the still rolling waves, and it reflected the sky’s blue right back. Nothing appeared to be moving beneath the water.

Alice knew better than to leave the sound unnoticed and stood to investigate. She wandered towards the hatch that led below, just as it was lifted up. Mystery girl’s head rose out, her green eyes scanning the deck. She scrambled up the ladder and planted her boots on the deck. She looked as if she wanted to say something, but paused, her wide-eyed gaze scanning the great blue that surrounded them.

“Did you sleep well? That thud sounded suspiciously like someone falling out of a hammock, are you alright?” Alice enquired, striding towards mystery girl. She was met by a glowing silver blade, being pointed straight at her. Its hilt took the form of an elegant wing. She stopped,

“That’s beautiful.” She remarked.

“Shut up! What am I doing here?!” Mystery girl shouted, her eyes now fixated on Alice, who just smiled.

“What do you remember?”

“I was fighting those idiots… they wanted to take me to Crow… and then… you! You were working with them! You came into the tavern to size me up! Then you reported back to them!”

“Would you believe me if I said I saved you?”

“Like hell I would! Where are we going now? I bet you’re taking me to Crow right this minute! How close are we?!”

“They drugged you. With a dart. Don’t believe me? Check your leg. I removed it and cleaned it up as best I could, but the hole is still there. I made sure they didn’t take you after that.”

Mystery girl raised an eye brow, keeping her eyes and blade trained on Alice, whilst moving her free hand down to her right leg, feeling through the rip in her trousers and wincing as she felt over the small puncture in her leg.

“I’m also the only one here, right? You didn’t see anyone else below there, and I am the only one up here. I promise that I’m not taking you to Crow.”

The girl lowered her sword, her eyes narrowing slightly.

“Then where are you going? And why did you bring me with you?”

“Not too far over the horizon there is a place called Porte Town. And that is where I am going. It felt bad to leave you back at the tavern, so I thought you’d be safer with me.”

“What is Porte Town?”

“You haven’t heard of it? It’s a small place, but you find the best of people there. Stowaways, drunks, and the like.”

Mystery girl looked disgusted,
“Why would you want to go to a horrible place like that?”

“I want to gather a crew and make a name for myself.”

“So you’re a sailor? Or a pirate? Or something?”


Mystery girl contemplated that for a moment,
“I thought pirates were supposed to be greedy, violent and selfish. You don’t seem to fit the brief.”

“Not all of us. I only steal when I really need something. Like this boat.” Alice exclaimed with a beam.

“You stole this?!”

“Yeah, but its fine, no one was using it at the time.”

“That doesn’t make it okay!” Mystery girl shouted.

“I did feel bad about it, if it makes you feel better.”

“It absolutely does not. I hope you realise I will be leaving your company as soon as I get off this boat.”

Alice just grinned and shrugged,
“Mind telling me your name then? Before our precious time together runs out.”

The girl hesitated,
“I’m… I’m Oriana.”

“And your tattoos. You’re an Angelica, right?”

Oriana’s expression hardened,
“What’s it to you?”

“Nothing, nothing. It is just unusual for one to be able to summon more than one kind of weapon. And to be on their own, away from their tribe, for that matter.”

Oriana flinched at the mention of a tribe.

“Is something wrong?” Alice asked, tilting her head.

“It’s nothing. It’s none of your business.”

“Very well. It’s a pleasure to meet you Oriana.”

“It’s an experience meeting you… Alice, right?”

Alice nodded and laughed,
“I am glad that you remembered.”


Oriana threw up over the side of the boat for the third time in half an hour. She gripped the side of the boat to stop herself slipping overboard, looking down at the ocean, longing for this journey to be over.

“How… how much longer do I have to stay on this dreaded thing?”

“Only another few hours now.” Alice replied, looking out over the darkening waters. It was getting late now, the light breeze attempting to make Alice shiver, but failing miserably.

“How can you know that? I can’t even see its silhouette. Should there not be a lighthouse or something?” Oriana murmured, rubbing her arms through her shirt, starting to feel the nip of the evening air.

“You’re not wrong. But we’ll be fine. I can feel it.”

“I’m sorry, you can feel it? That we’ll be okay?”

“No, the island.”

Oriana frowned,
“You can feel the island?”

“That is what I said.”

“How does that work?”

Alice leaned on the railing that lined the helm, arms folded in front of her,
“I have a way with the earth.”

“Way with the earth- wait are you one of those… what are they called… something users?”

“A relic user?”

“Yes… that.”

A pleased look spread across Alice’s features,
“That I am.”

“So… you can talk to rocks?”

That made Alice chortle,
“Something like that, yes.”

“Sounds useful…”

“Oh it is. I wouldn’t give it up for the world.”

Oriana was not sure what to make of that, nor did she have time to respond before she threw up one final time.

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